Demand/supply graphical overview in S/4HANA MD04 stock/requirements list

This blog post is inspired by my response to Ann Hustis question S/4 HANA got rid of the MD04 “SAP Statistics Graphic”
Graphs in the old ECC days
Since a long time age stock/requirements list, MD04 transaction, featured a graphical overview of stock levels, demand, supply:

Source: SAP Q&A – MD04 no graphics presentation
Refer to the blog post Make To Stock Planning to see the graphs in action and SAP Help entry Material Requirements Planning (PP-MRP) Graphical Display for details.
Graphs in the new S/4 world
Surprisingly the MD04 graphs are not there anymore in S/4HANA!
That’s is another S/4HANA “innovation”. It’s been introduced with note 2348456 – WEBGUI mode for PK09, PK18, PK17, COR7 – it reads:
Other Terms
S4 Visual Harmonization
Reason and Prerequisites
Graphical display is no longer available in S4.
What they did is that they simply disabled the graphic display in MD04. Actually, it’s just a single line of code (include MM61RF50_FCTAB_FILL_TC, form routine FCTAB_FILL_TC):
FORM fctab_fill_tc. DATA: l_objky TYPE objky. DATA: lv_msgno LIKE sy-msgno. REFRESH fctab. PERFORM fctab_append USING 'GRAF'. "no graphic anymore
Notice the comment in the code – “no graphic anymore” – just like that… no explanation, no business rationale, no workaround, no nothing.
Reviving the good tools
The good news is that the code to display the graphic is still there and it’s operational. So the graphic can be easily reactivated with two simple steps:
- Comment out the line from include MM61RF50_FCTAB_FILL_TC, form routine FCTAB_FILL_TC.
- Add GRAF code to the menu bar of ANZ_47 GUI status.
I’ve opened an improvement proposal with SAP Customer Influence program to get the graphic back to MD04
Demand/supply graphical overview in MD04 stock/requirements list
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